#  С этим надо бы в ru.humor.14, да тольно оно не на русском языке
Andrew Lobanov (tavern,1) → All  –  12:49:30 2016-09-05

В очередном треде tabs vs. spaces было обнаружено прекрасное:

butlerpcnet * 5 years ago

YES! Another strong win for us Tab people! Thank you :) another disadvantage of space-indented code is what I call the "asshole" principle. If I were using spaces to indent? I could be an asshole and indent with 1 space per level! Any normal person thah opens the file would have to make sure his/her IDE or text editor is configured correctly to convert the spaces, and convert back (like you said with committing). It's just a mess.

butlerpcnet * 3 months ago

Comming back to reverse my opinion! I'm now a 4-spaces indenter!! Python 3 standard is 4 spaces, and PHP PSR-2 standard is also 4 spaces. Go away tabs!!