Your Ternary Computer

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I created new web-site about open source ternary computer –
I hope it will have emulator soon. Then I will try to build REAL ternary computer…

3 Responses to “Your Ternary Computer”

  1. Constantine said:

    Aug 10, 09 at 5:54 PM

    My name is Carlos Eduardo Alarcon, i dream with ternary since 1993, but i donĀ“t have any friends interessed for developement, well! I want to participate!!!

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  2. Constantine said:

    Aug 10, 09 at 5:55 PM

    We need build something faster!

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  3. Shaos said:

    Aug 11, 09 at 8:46 AM

    OK, so welcome to our "special interest group on balanced ternary numeral system and trinary logic" on :)

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